Thursday, August 8, 2013

This time we saw it coming.

They would send out their propaganda and hate speech.

They would divide us and make us call each other names.

They would divide us with "science" and tell us we where different.

They did drills and caused fear, they told us that united we where strong.

They censored the media, to make the opposition seem wrong.

They showed big shows and arranged distracting events.

The media called us conspiracy theorist when we questioned things that did not make sense.

They used trigger words and told us to take a stand, against people we did not know or understand.

They used adds to try and convince young men to join the army.

We spoke up and said, don't take our young men away, we need heroes right here today.

Yesterdays heroes where left broken and not given fair compensation pay.

They convinced people they where ill and handed out drugs.

They said don't mind the tanks and the drones, worry about dangerous supper bugs.

We said, it doesn't make sense to waste the things people can not afford to buy.

Lets feed everyone have another renaissance, grow plants everywhere and fly off into the sky.

We grew plants everywhere and made room for every race.

Then we headed off for outer space.